C. Mainstream media typically has a broad range of viewpoints which can have a more open discussion and can be two sided rather than independent media which argues their opinion
An expanded definition is an important writing tool you will need if you are writing for a person who is not an expert or specialist in a particular subject. An expanded definition explains a complex or unfamiliar term to make it easier to understand which is important to effective communication. An extended definition may explain the word's etymology or historical roots, describe sensory characteristics of something (how it looks, feels, sounds, tastes, smells). It also may identify its parts, indicate how something is used, or even explain what it is not. It may provide an example of it, and/or note similarities or differences between words or things.
5 Sentences :)
Mrs. Alice Fairfax is a Housekeeper who is in charge of Keeping Thorton Hall in tip-top shape. She is to see that everyone thing, from groceries, to laundry to guests and tea time run as they ought. Jane is surprised, for she believed Mrs. Fairfax to be the Owner of the Estate. However, Mr. Thorton is soon revealed to be the Owner.
Because Mrs. Fairfax is the Housekeeper, English society has always had levels of Hierarchy between the Nobles, the Servants, and the Lay person. Keeping her distance is her job, so that she will not become too familiar with John and Leah.
Persuade I believe....hope it helps