Are you doing Alpha Omega Academy cuz I'm doing the exact same as you haha.
Anyway, basically ms. Gates is teaching the class about Hitler and the persecution on the Jews and how it's bad. She even mentioned that they would never do such thing. But she herself is active on the persecution of the blacks.
1. BENEFICIAL : producing a favorable result.
2. DERMATOLOGICAL : having to do branch of medicine concerned with the skin.
3. OSTEOARTHRITIC : having a degenerative bone disease.
4. PATHOLOGICAL : relating to or caused by disease.
5. CREDENTIAL : that which entitles one to confidence, credit, or authority.
6. POLYTHEISTIC : pertaining to the belief in more than one God.
I think because he's been doing Halloween his whole life, doing the same exact thing over and over.
C I think is your answer. kinda stuck between C and D but I think C