cout << setprecision(2)<< fixed << number;
The above statement returns 12.35 as output
Though, the statement can be split to multiple statements; but the question requires the use of a cout statement.
The statement starts by setting precision to 2 using setprecision(2)
This is immediately followed by the fixed manipulator;
The essence of the fixed manipulator is to ensure that the number returns 2 digits after the decimal point;
Using only setprecision(2) in the cout statement will on return the 2 digits (12) before the decimal point.
The fixed manipulator is then followed by the variable to be printed.
See code snippet below
<em>#include <iostream> </em>
<em>#include <iomanip>
<em>using namespace std; </em>
<em>int main() </em>
<em>{ </em>
<em> // Initializing the double value</em>
<em> double number = 12.3456; </em>
<em> //Print result</em>
<em> cout << setprecision(2)<< fixed << number; </em>
<em> return 0; </em>
<em>} </em>
<em />
The simplest of table parameters are rows, columns, page number, alternate row, column header, Table title, etc.
The simplest table parameter is as being mentioned above. Its, however, important to understand what are the parameters. Parameters are the features of an object that defines its behavior. Various parameters are the behaviors of the object hence, and here it is the table and the behavior of the table is being described with the parameters. There are so many other parameters that one can think of related to tables. And we should make a list of them for future studies. Font size, Font color, border, etc are some more from the huge list.
Task Scheduler
Task Scheduler allows you to automate tasks in Windows 10
Achieved Instruction per cycle rate is
As per the question:
Execution time, t = 1.4 s
No. of instructions being executed, n = 1.8 billion =
Clock speed of CPU, f = 3.2 GHz =
Now, to calculate the actual issue rate achieved:
CPI (Cycle per Instruction) =
Instruction per cycle is given as the reciprocal of CPI:
Instruction per cycle =