Those two final stanzas suggest that although the poetess usually feels very comfortable being outdoors, she feels fear before the "narrow fellow in the grass". Her "tighter breathing" suggests that she is left breathless when confronted with this creature, breathless with fear or wonder, when it is close. She is frozen, cannot move due to the fact that she is very frightened.
It seems like the character wishes to be appreciated and understood by society. He thinks he has a lot to offer, and that he is not like any other typical kid. He feels he knows more, reads more and has better instincts than most people. However, he does not understand how his application is not accepted.
The conflict is that society does not value him as much as he thinks he deserves to be valued. This is a common conflict as people often feel themselves to be particularly special in ways that society cannot fully appreciate.
i took the test. pls give brainlest
<span>Shorten your showers by 1 or 2 minutes.
Water your plants in the evening when it is dark, so the water won't evaporate Wash your laundry 2 times a week.
Make sure to keep a jug of water in the refrigerator.</span>
<span>Collect rain water.
Always turn the water off when you brush your teeth
.You can turn off the water when you are scrubbing the dishes with soap.
Always check for leaks around the house.<span>Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway or sidewalk.
<span>Plant in the Fall when conditions are cooler and rainfall is more plentiful.
Don't let water run when you are cleaning vegetables.
If you can wash your car on the lawn, so your watering the grass too.
<span>Use a sprinkler that delivers big drops closer to the ground, smaller drops and mist usually evaporate before they hit the ground.</span></span>