The imaginary line of secrecy and mistrust is called the iron curtain.
George Washington
The Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia in the summer of 1775, shortly after the war with the British had begun. It was preceded by the First Continental Congress in the fall of 1774. The Congress appointed George Washington as commander of the Continental Army, and authorized the raising of the army through conscription.
Answer: E) separation of powers
The Line-item veto is a provision that allows an Executive authority such as a Governor or the President to cancel out parts of a bill enacted by Congress without having to veto the whole thing. Essentially it is a partial veto power that allows them to veto a bill only in part should they please.
Governors in 45 US States have this right but the President of the United States does not.
It is argued that this provision violates the principle of Separation of Powers amongst the Judiciary, the Legislature and the Executive.
This is because the Legislature should have exclusive power to construct the inner texts of a bill and the Executive should not be able to alter this content.
first person of color to serve as vice president
Historically, the American armed forces were disproportionally drawn from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. A transition toward a smaller and more selective military has changed this tendency. Since the armed forces do not gather data on recruits’ family income, previous studies relied on geographic data to proxy for economic background. We improve on previous literature using individual-level data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 and study population representativeness in the years 1997-2011.
We find that recruits score higher than the civilian population on cognitive skill tests, and come from households with above average median parental income and wealth. Moreover, both the lowest and highest parental income categories are under-represented. Higher skill test scores increase enlistment rates from lower- and middle-income families while decreasing them for high income families. The over-representation of minorities in the military has declined in recent decades. Non-Hispanic White casualties are now over-represented in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Maybe Brainliest