If you want to convert 0.57 into a fraction, you
can do it like this:
<span>0.57 equals to 57/100 </span></span><span>(you can't do anything else because 57 and 100 don't
have common factors).
</span><span><span /><span>The result is 57/100.</span>
Account A.....with 250 checks
0.20(250) = 50
Account B...with 250 checks
0.10(250) + 1.50 = 25 + 1.50 = 26.50
so by using Account B, u r saving (50 - 26.50) = 23.50
1. 74856 + 1489
= 76345
2. 42000/5
= 8400
3. 142100/10
= 14210
4. 2500 + (8-5)
2500 + 3
= 2503
5. 385 + (29 - 9)
385 + 20
= 405
6. 1780 - 643
= 1137
7. 4 x 2 + 30 / 5
4 x 2 + 6
8 + 6
= 14
8. 65743 - 754
= 64989
Formula for the area of the triangle:
1/2 bh
b = base
h = height
Area = 36 in²
Base = 18 in
36 = 1/2(18)h
36 = 9h
36 ÷ 9 = h
4 = h
height = 4 in
Area = 2 ft²
Height = 1 ft
2 = 1/2 b (1)
2 = 1/2 b
2 ÷ 1/2 = b
4 = b
Base = 4 ft
Area = 42 in²
Base = 12 in
42 = 1/2 (12) h
42 = 6h
42 ÷ 6 = h
7 = h
Height = 7 in
Notice that the answers have no exponents (²). That is because they are used only on the area of shapes as units.
Since you find the area by multiplying things together, for example x · x = x², the exponent is there.
You do not need to worry about this being in the calculation. This will just be in units such as:
Just remember to use these exponents in the units for the areas.