If you’ve ever had a savings account, you likely know that a few cents in interest every month barely adds up. The goal is “compounding returns,” which simply means that the interest you earn each month earns additional interest, which then earns even more interest. But although a savings account will help with that, you may be lucky enough to be able to afford a cup of coffee every 10 years or so at that rate. Instead, it’s important to find a way to invest your money in a high-interest account that will earn compounding returns.
I hope this helps you out ;)
Excel - "Merge". This will also center the text, which may or may not be desired.
def print_popcorn_time(bag_ounces):
if bag_ounces<3:
print("Too Small")
elif bag_ounces>10:
print("Too Large")
total = 6*bag_ounces
print('{} seconds'.format(total))
Using Python programming language
The function is defined to accept a single parameter
Using a combination of if/elif/else statements, the approprite message is displayed when the function is called