def group_by_nondecreasing( *args ) :
num_list = [arg for arg in args]
sorted_numlist = sorted( num_list )
list_stream = [ sorted_numlist, sorted_numlist, sorted_numlist ]
return list_stream
This python function has the ability to accept multiple and varying amount of arguments. the list comprehension shorten the logical for statement to generate a list of numbers, sorts the list in ascending order by default and duplicates the list in another list.
nums = []
while True:
num = float(input("Enter a number: "))
if num <= 0:
print("The largest number entered was",max(nums))
I wrote my code in python 3.8. I hope this helps.
A favor: porque permite manejar la memoria, disco, medios de almacenamiento de información y los diferentes periféricos o recursos de nuestra computadora, como son el teclado, el mouse, la impresora, la placa de red, entre otros.
En contra:
Si uno llega a fallar con un codigo en algun sistema puede verse afectado el dispositivo
Specifications are the technical details about each hardware component
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