Atticus tells the children that Aunt Alexandra has decided (and convinced Atticus) it would be best for the family if she stays with them for "a while," which worries Scout even though she knows there's nothing to be done. No, Scout doesn't believe that Atticus feels this but she does later understand Atticus's need to have his sister involved in their lives.
They're George Donner and James F. Reed
Answer and Explanation:
Both texts reflect on the advancement of technology in the labor market and how it will interfere in the lives of people since this advance is inevitable and necessary for human evolution. However, there are differences between the two texts, while “The Automation Paradox” shows a more negative view of technological advancement, pointing out the problems of service automation and showing how it will make many people lose their jobs, increase the unemployment rate and cause that many people are in need; “Heads Up, Humans” shows a more positive view, showing how the automation of services will create more specific and long-term jobs, stimulating the search for training in areas focused on technology.