The Ocean around the North Pole is called Arctic Ocean.
My story would be on the way to the core of the earth they pass the sial, upper crust,lower crust, they smell Radium, stenches of landfill. Layers of the earth are Upper crust, lower crust, lithosphere,asthenosphere, mantle, outer core, and inner core.
Answer: East to West
A Roche Moutonnée is a rocky mass formed by abrasion when a glacier passes over a bedrock. The glacier moves from the east to the west, creating different slopes on each side of the Roche Moutonnée. this is due to different processes o each side. When the glacier travels up the bedrock, it smoothens the edges, creating rounded tips. On the downward journey, melted ice from the glacier leaks into the rocks. On refreezing, the ice creates cracks in the rock and breaks away parts of the rock.
Because it requires more resources.
China population statistics are unusual for a developing country because high population requires more resources to fulfill their basic needs and china population is approximately 1.5 billion which is too high but china can fulfill their needs due to their strong economy but this high population can't be manageable for those countries that have weak economic condition or for a developing country so this statistics are unusual for developing country.
Due to the temperature and atmospheric conditions of titan, scientists hypothesized that titan may have an ocean of Liquid methane actual observations showed this was not the case.
Both methane and titan are gases that are combustible in nature. Those gases which are inflammable are called combustible gases.The gas will mix in the lake which harms the aquatic animals. The aquatic animals have a hard time to breath. Hence, the lake will be polluted.
The nitrogen comes from the breakup of ammonia (NH3) by solar radiation and subsequent thermal escape of the hydrogen.The seas on Saturn's Moon, Titan, are mostly composed out of methane, a liquid methane to be more specific. The methane is in liquid form because of the conditions on the moon, where it is very cold, which turns the methane into a liquid state, instead of the gas state as we have it here on Earth.
To learn more about titan: