Malcome X promoted that the blacks would established separation with black communities(rather than integration) from whites and use violence in self defense instead of non violence. Does this help?
When Mendel crossed the plants he concluded that pea traits like flower color were determined by separate units. From the results, Mendel proved that all traits do not blend. For instance, purple flowers mixed with white flowers did not produce pink flowers. Mendel concluded that traits like flower color must be determined by individual units.
Groupthink. According to Wikipedia, groupthink is “a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome.”
the presidential election was rigged.
Is called: Status.
In sociology, the term status describes a person's position or rank in a particular setting context. With a status there are various
expectations associated and, in some cases, privileges called roles.
We all occupy several statuses and have roles in our daily lives.
example, your status is student and one of you roles is going to classes.