Look up Dawrin's theory of evolution. Basically, fossil records show how life forms change over time through evolution.
Complementary RNA (cRNA) is a copy of a strand of RNA that will bind to the appropriate region of the original molecule. If the original RNA stand had a base sequence of AUU, for example, the sequence of the cRNA strand would be UAA.
four phenotypes appear in the ratio 9:3:3:1
<em>For a dihybrid cross in which the two genes concerned obey simple dominant/recessive law and are independently assorting, </em><em>four phenotypes are produced in the ratio 9:3:3:1. </em>
The dominant gene takes up the largest ratio (9/16) while the recessive gene takes up the smallest (1/16). Any deviation from 9:3:3:1 and the number of phenotypes produced from a dihybrid cross is an indication that the genes involved do not obey Mendelian laws.
The answer is; NO
This is because the leaf would not have tiny oxygen bubbles spread across its base (because the base is where most stomata are) that would help it float on the water. The reason is that the oxygen produced in the process of photosynthesis would be consumed in respiration because the rates of the two biochemical processes are the same.