I wouldn’t think so because they were poor and overlooked. the plebeians were probably thought of as unintelligent and unsuccessful.
Path Goal Theory
The Path Goal Theory can best be thought of as a procedure where leaders pioneers select explicit practices that are most appropriate to the employee's requirements and the workplace with the goal that they may best direct the employee's through their path in the acquisition of their day by day work exercises.
In view of the above mentioned Path Goal Theory, alludes to how a leader pioneer impact subordinates' impression of both work goals and individual objectives and the connections found between these arrangements of goals.
The theory clearly concerns the influence of leaders on the perception of their sub-ordinates of their work objectives and the path followed so as to attain those objectives.
matrix structure
Matrix management or structure refers to an organizational structure that allows individuals report to more than one supervisor or leader or superior. This is exemplified above where a professor reports to an academic supervisor in his field and also reports to a supervisor in a Master's degree program. This organizational arrangement or structure sets up reporting relationships in a grid or matrix fashion where there is dual role rather than in a traditional hierarchy.
Answer:here bro
Our country is hundreds of years old, our territory is rich, rich, productive and efficient. Our people are honest, hardworking and ready to take care of their own destiny, their own business and their own prosperity. Amidst all these admirable qualities I wonder: how long will we be subjected to the British abuses that prevent our nation from moving forward.
We are a captive people, as we have no control over our own resources, which have been exploited dishonestly by the British for years. First of all, we must stress that England forbids us to freely negotiate our products, produced and built, planted and harvested by us. This keeps us at the mercy of the English trade, which believes that it has the right to price our work in a way that reduces us and leaves us dependent on England.
We are not a dependent people and we have to reaffirm our supremacy over our products and our autonomy to do business as we see fit.
Not satisfied, England decided to enrich our costs by charging abusive and totally unjust taxes, which are not transformed into services for us but for them. As a result, england is increasingly educated and structured, while we do not have the financial resources to improve education, transportation, communication and countless socioeconomic issues in our country.
This makes me ask you, readers: How long will we accept this type of administration? Will we have to wait thousands of years? Haven't we already been harmed enough by this petty nation? Shouldn't we fight for our defense?
Individuals with anti-social personality disorder (APD) display the following behaviors and characteristics:
1. Little or no regard towards morals, ethics, and the values and laws of society.
2. Lack of regard for others' feelings or interests
3. Manipulation and glibness
4. Individuals with APD are also likely to break the law and engage in criminal activity.