E) In the majority of states, the landlord is required to remove the previous tenant or break the agreement with the new tenant.
The landlord will be required to have the previous tenant Eliza who is illegally( we are assuming) occupying the apartment, leave the apartment or he would be breaking the agreement with the new tenant. In some states in the US such as Chicago, the landlord would have to serve a notice to the tenant, and begin formal proceedings after which he may proceed to file a forcible entry or detainer action against the tenant if he remains in the property after expiration of appropriate number of days since notice was served. Eviction proceedings are relatively fast(a few weeks, unless the tenant files a defense) and are handled by local courts He may have to reimburse and settle the new tenant for any damages suffered.
His home state is Virginia, US (:
The next step in a shaping program to increase time on task from 3 minutes. subsequent step is four minutes.
The practice of shaping (additionally called "successive approximation") is not, in and of itself, a method for coping with irrelevant behavior. instead, it's miles a technique that assists you in placing desires for the behavior of a certain scholar.
Shaping is used to increase a target behavior that a person does now not currently show off. Shaping is described because the differential reinforcement of successive approximations of a goal conduct till the individual reveals the target behavior.
Shaping lets you build this desired behavior in steps and praise those behaviors that come regularly toward the only you have got decided on because of the final aim. as the scholar masters each substep, you require that s/he move to the following increment if you want to receive an award or reinforcement.
Learn more about the shaping program here