No. A Police Chief should not promote an Officer with special skills to a supervisory position.
There is a rule for succession. A Police Officer must have served a certain time in rank, and pass a test to be considered. Anything outside of this would have needed to be approved by a higher level of government or it could be seen as preferential treatment which is an ethics violation. Police officers usually become eligible for promotion after a probationary period.
To be a police officers you have to follow a special code of conduct and behavior, making it much different from other professions. The job of a police officer requires much mental toughness, physical fitness, and a level of ethics and morals not every individuals have. In order to for an officer to be promoted into a supervisory position, I feel that the officers up for advancement needs to be able to show a good track record of conduct and behaviors. I feel this can only be achieved through time spent “in rank”
Answer: A proposed amendment becomes part of the Constitution as soon as it is ratified by three-fourths of the States (38 of 50 States).
More investigations and Manhunt for the vandals
More investigations and processing of the vandal scene should be carried out. Evidences such as DNA and other physical substance should be worked on. At the same time the police should make enquirers about gang hideouts and names of members of the gangs.
This would make it easier to link an individual or group of people to the vandalism and their role in the mayhem would be subsequently established. After which they are made to face to the hands of the law.
Its based on one common set of military rules