Vestigial usually refers to traits which over evolution have lost their main function and are less useful than they once were.
In number one Hunter means that he thinks the teeth were from the ancestor whale shark but are now useless or nearly useless to the current whale shark.
I also left in sudden ! Let's talk again on my Zo o m ! I am waiting there .
Fourth Estate is the term that is sometimes used to refer
the media or the press.
To add, the Fourth Estate (or fourth power)
is a segment of society that wields an indirect but significant influence on
society even though it is not a formally recognized part of the political
it's said that words are mightier than the sword because by the sword you can kill one person at a time but my words you can create a huge massacre.... once a word is said you can never take it back in any way. Whenever a word emotion it creates tremendous power to kill. Hope this helps!
That’s alottttttttttttttt