A noun is simply any word referring to a person, place, or thing. There are many subcategories of nouns: common, proper, countable, uncountable, concrete, abstract, compound, & collective. Though they do refer to people, places, or things, pronouns are not considered to be nouns.
Ex. Jimmy ran as fast as he could to the store though he was facing unbearable sadness that day.
- Jimmy = Proper Noun
- store = Countable Noun
- sadness = Abstract Noun
- day = Common Noun
Get the locksmith to come and put bolts on the doors.
Les Misérables is a novel written by Victor Hugo in the 19th century. The novel speaks about various topics, the history of France, the design of Paris, morals, religion, and love.
A) A man of disreputable nature
The other two option choices are not as formal. This option uses more precise wording, and would be the more formal option of the three.
If the appositive phrase is needed to define the meaning of a noun then <u>don't use a comma</u>, if the appositive phrase defines enough where it can stand by it's self alone then <u>use commas around it.</u>