Bad gases in the air, like the smoke from cars. the trees filter that.
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Soils form from the interplay of five main factors namely Parent material, Time, Climate, Relief and Organisms. Parent material: This refers to the mineral material, or organic material from which the soil is formed.
Latin American culture
The Latin Americans were forced to learn the language of the country that colonized them. For example: Portuguese in Brazil, Spanish in Peru, etc. These helped them to establish their religion and culture in South America.
Hope it helps!
Conocimientos, creencias y valores, arte, leyes, educación, gastronomía, vestimenta, tradiciones, costumbres y toda clase de habilidades y hábitos adquiridos por los seres humanos, en tanto miembros de una sociedad en particular.
La cultura es un proceso en el cual interactúan formando un todo coherente, una serie de elementos, así como los mencionados arriba.