The loop terminates when "xxxxx" is read in. If the word is land, the string followed by "land" get outputted. The same with air, and water.
int land = 0;
int air = 0;
int water = 0;
String word = "";
while(!(word.equals("xxxxx"))) {
word =;
if(word.equals("land")) {
}else if(word.equals("air")) {
}else if(word.equals("water")) {
System.out.println("land:" + land);
System.out.println("air:" + air);
System.out.println("water:" + water);
Using more robots means less human contact which means declining social skills, and heavier dependence on technology. And using more technology is expensive.
It's E) both A and B
A) Control logic is invoked
B) Data flow paths are established
Client, Server
The web browser acts as a client while the university computer acts as a server.
In a Server-Client model or architecture, the server provide the resources while the client request for the resources.
In this case, the university computer provide the resources that is to be consumed by the web browser after it must have made some request. The resources provided by the server (university computer) is based on the client (web browser) request.