Sophia's intelligence would rely on the people who adopted her, and what they and others have taught her.
However, one can argue that IQ isn't entirely accurate when it comes to intelligence. For instance, emotional intelligence is not a factor when determining that score.
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household stress levels and their effect on Jane's patience and parenting style
Parenting stress hypothesis: This is a pattern or model in which unstable employment, low income, feeling of inferiority, and lack of cultural resources from social class contrast aggravate household stress levels.
The stress then produces by these conditions, in turn, causes harmful or detrimental parenting practices like hitting, and yelling, which are not appropriate and affect the child's life.
During the Mediaeval period, a large number of foreign travellers such as Ibn Battutah, Marco Polo, Alberuni etc visited India and have left an account of their observations.It is through these accounts that we have come to know about India in that period. Such accounts by foreign travellers are known as travelogues.
Successful managers must be able to recognize oppourtunities and threats in their company external environment because if they miscalculate or underestimate the market and its conditions, a lot of opportunities would be lost.
A good manager should be able to dicipher opprtunity from threats so as to avoid lossing the former due to high competitive market. If not, customers would go for an alternative services or products.