You can say something about paying taxes, as that help the government build and improve infrastructure. (roads, buildings, etc)
You can also say something about voting as that tells the government to know what they need to improve on, and what the people want. (not just for candidates)
Answer: The legislature is divided into two separate houses, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. While the House of Lords is appointed, and maintains very little actual legislative power, the House of Commons is elected, and is where actual sovereign power resides
<em>My explanation of this would be:</em>
<em>Basically the federalism inside the united kingdom is the distribution of the power being shared between the two countries but HOWEVER England is by far the largest single unit in the U.K with both the populations of "84%" And the area would be around 53%/54% </em>
<em />
Monopoly - the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.interstate commerce- Interstate commerce refers to the purchase, sale or exchange of commodities, transportation of people, money or goods, and navigation of waters between different states.Cede-give up (power or territory
Here's more than 100
Muhammad, or Mohammed, (born c. 570, Mecca, Arabia—died June 8, 632, Medina), Arab prophet who established the religion of Islam. The son of a merchant of the ruling tribe, he was orphaned at age six. He married a rich widow, Khadījah, with whom he had six children, including Fāṭimah, a daughter. According to tradition, in 610 he was visited by the angel Gabriel, who informed Muhammad that he was the messenger of God. His revelations and teachings, recorded in the Qurʾān, are the basis of Islam. He began to preach publicly c. 613, urging the rich to give to the poor and calling for the destruction of idols. He gained disciples but also acquired enemies, whose plan to murder Muhammad forced him to flee Mecca for Medina in 622. This flight, known as the Hijrah, marks the beginning of the Islamic era. Muhammad’s followers defeated a Meccan force in 624; they suffered reverses in 625 but repelled a Meccan siege of Medina in 627. He won control of Mecca by 629 and of all Arabia by 630. He made his last journey to Mecca in 632, establishing the rites of the hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca. He died later that year and was buried at Medina. His life, teachings, and miracles have been the subjects of Muslim devotion and reflection ever since.
They are preserve a dead body so they're happy