I was more or less uneasy until I found out what they were, but now I saw they were grasshoppers, they set me on the war path.
Sarcasm is simply using irony to mock or make jest of something/someone. The writer used sarcasm here to convey his thoughts and feelings about the ants. He used irony to talk about going to war with the ants when he clearly meant something else.
He was trying to ridicule someone by declaring that he was uneasy at first before declaring all out war when he discovered he was dealing with ants.
The hill we climb seem more of referring to you because of the we are
It is evident that there is a correspondence between school bullying and cyber-bullying. Currently, most schools have a non-tolerance policy concerning acts of bullying taking place during school hours or on school grounds, but have yet to incorporate the aspect of cyber-bullying. With the use of technology in schools, the act of cyber-bullying is taking place more often in school than just outside of school.
After interviewing 20,000 students, it was found that approximately 26% of students are victims of bullying that took place during school hours (Schneider, O’Donnell, Stueve, and Coulter 173). This same research documented that in addition to school bullying, approximately 16% of students are victims of cyber-bullying. When researchers compared students being bullied at school to those being cyber-bullied, it was found that 59% of those victims being cyber-bullied were also victims of school bullying and 39% of students being bullied at school were also cyber-bullied (Schneider, O’Donnell, Stueve, Coulter 173).
With cyber-bullying being increasingly wide-spread, it is essential that schools incorporate cyber-bullying prevention into their anti-bullying policies. Works Cited Campbell, Matthew. “School Policy Responses to the Issue of Cyber-Bullying.” Journal of Catholic School Studies 83.2 (2011): 62-69. Print.
Educators and administrators need to educate students and parents on identifying acts of bullying, as well as the effects of bullying. Parents and students must also be encouraged to report acts of bullying. To ensure that the prevention of cyber-bullying and school yard bullying, the school needs to enforce cyber-bullying rules and set consequences for those who break those rules.
Bullying has become an epidemic that the educational system has been campaigning to cease through the establishment of school wide anti-bullying policies. In recent years the federal government has implemented the National Safe Schools Framework and the Civil Liability Act of 2002, to assist educators with diminishing schoolyard bullying (Campbell 64). Since the development and rise of technological resources, cyber-bullying has expanded the opportunity for the act of bullying to take place; bullying is no longer isolated face to face.
the first answer
all paragraphs are for transition
Answer: positive
The bigger the decision, the more life-changing the chain of events will be for the decision-maker and others around them. The impact can be positive or negative, but there is always a consequence. If you are in an abusive or disrespectful relationship, making a clear choice to leave will have lasting consequences.