The Proletariat would inevitably, according to Marx, rise up against the Bourgeoisie, just as the Bourgeoisie had risen up against the nobility. It was just historical process at work, (according to Marx). The proletariat would create a classless society that would not have "haves" and "have nots" and thus history would be complete.
Answer: the correct answer is (B) only I and II
Explanation: the proble in Sri Lanka is that after independence from Britain in 1948, the Sinhalese majority immediately began to pass laws that discriminated against Tamils, particularly the Indian Tamils brought to the island by the British. They made Sinhalese the official language, driving Tamils out of the civil service.
Labor law highlights, 1915–2015 : Monthly Labor Review › opub › mlr › article › labor-law-highlig...
This article highlights some of the more important labor laws that have been passed in the ... All the legislation discussed in this article has, in some way, advanced ... In the years since, a number of changes have made life for the American ... the implementation and enforcement of such reforms state to state, the committee ...