I would probably say (a) kinetochore microtubules
D is the only option where the cause of the pollution is not something man-made.
Self-antigens are not recognized and attacked by the T cells.
In immunology, the antigens are those substances which are bound by the antibodies. The antigens can be originated from within the bodies, known as self antigens or from outside the body, known as non-self antigens. The immune system identifies and attacks non-self invaders or the foreign harmful objects present in the body. It does not attack the self-antigens under the normal conditions. This is due to the negative selection of T cells of the thymus.
For the Numbers on the leg Photo
1. Rectus Femoris
2. Vastus lateralis
3. Tibialis Anterior
4. ADDuctor longus
5. Gracilis
6. Satorius
7. Vastus Medialis
8. Gluteus Medius
9. Gluteus Maximus
10. Semitendinosis
11. Semimembranosus
12. Biceps Femoris
13. Gastrocnemius
Explanation: is correct