I don't think parents, should lie to their children, as for children shouldn't lie to their parents. I personally think it is all equal. But if a parent is specifically lying to their children about problems that don't really relay on them, then maybe it's okay. But if it includes divorce, or death's I think that it is not okay for parent's to lie to their children, unless protecting them, from something.
1. This can lead to spending too much time in the cyber world, and not enough time in the "real" world. This can lead to decreased productivity (for example, not completing homework, or even remembering to eat, in extreme cases).
2. When engaging in a social media relationship, "catfishing" (when someone has a fake profile and pretends to be someone else) is a common occurrence.
3. Something more extreme than catfishing can also occur, often with younger adolescents. While it can be categorized as catfishing, the person behind the profile could be a predator and have plans to abduct the other person.
4. "Real world" relationships may suffer. Social media relationships require a lot of time on the computer/phone, which may take away time from hanging out with friends and family (similar to the first point).
1. has no receiver of action named - intransitive verbs
2. a principal part of verbs tense - linking verb
3. you will be seen - future passive
4. expresses time - past participle
5. is followed by a predicate adjective or predicate noun that renames or describes the subject
6. manner in which action is presented - verb mood
7. form their past and past participle by adding -ed, -d, or t - regular verb