las históricas no desarrolla un tiempo y espacio determinado.
Marcos toca tan bien como tú.
The sentences are essentially the same, with just a difference of tan or tanto. Tan is used to compare two nouns with ad adjective or adverb, in this case Marcos and tú are nouns and the adjective being compared is how well he plays. Tanto, on the other hand, relates to the amount of something being compared, for example: Tengo tanto dinero como Alicia (I have as much money as Alicia).
..... ojos para poder ver, Nariz para oler, boca para hablar, oidos para escuchar, lengua para probar
One such legend states that the red and yellow colors of the flag were chosen to honor the popular Spanish tradition of bullfighting where the red color was chosen to represent the blood spilled by the bulls while yellow represents the sand in the bull-fighting arena.