I don’t think there is anything wrong with the coming there is just a 50% chance that It would land on tails and there’s a 50% chance that it will land on heads ♀️☺️
- 300
- 59
- 4
- 78
ok so put it like that and it will be correct.............................................................................(long pause)........................................................................................................... (thinks) I think that the right answer.
of turf, 83.33333% of the 1050 were minor
so about 875 minor injuries in turf
and 10.857% of 1050 were substantial meaning about 114 substantial
leaving 63 severe field turf
meaning 938 minor in gras (totalminior-minorturf=grassminor)
so now we know that grassmionr=938 that that is 1
and hen that is 77.972 gras is mionr so 938=77.972%
1203 total gras
then 4.26 of gras is severe or about 51
and leaving about 217 substantial gras injuries
total them yourself
I have to go sorry bye hope this helped
the one in bottom right
Step-by-step explanation: