Found this from Google, here’s the link:
And then explain it furthermore
Angel island I've been there on a field trip it was pretty cool
The events that led to the division of British India into India and Pakistan was a method the British had to secure how independence would take place. The British government had a system of political control of “divide and rule” and because of that, this strategy was perfect.
Muslims were 25% of British India’s population, therefore a religious minority. They were afraid of losing protection as the independence of India got closer.
With the approach of WWII, things got even worse, since the British took India into the war without consultation of the population or the legislative, this caused even more pressure for independence and the creation of a separate state.
The separation between India and Pakistan caused riots, mass casualties, a wave of migration - Muslims headed towards Pakistan and Hindus and Sikhs headed into India -, and a death toll of 2 million people.
Two groups, actually
1. The Native American's land was stolen and they were pushed out of their homes. They also were treated and looked at as savages and animals.
2. Slaves were still kept in America at that time. In fact, many of the people who signed the Declaration owned slaves.
The context of what your learning really determines which answer they're looking for. Has slavery been mentioned more, or have Native Americans?
The Allies were powerful, but it is arguable that at the beginning of the war their military technology could not compete with Germany and Japan. This is why Germany and Japan were able to invade so many countries. Towards the end of the World War II, the Allies began to get the upper hand because they had access to resources that the Axis didn't.