The Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment provision in the US Constitution was originally found in the English Bill of Rights.
4. It affected the rights for African Americans to vote.
The symptoms of farmworker exploitation and the more flamboyant aspects of farmworkers’ efforts to gain fair contracts from the growers have become quite well-known. Much less known by equally important is a story which deals with the nitty-gritty of the farmworkers’ struggle for economic dignity: their efforts to form a nation-wide farm workers union.
During the 1990's, cultural conflicts had to do with the cuestioning of present values and morals of the time. The rights for homosexuals, the abolishion of slavery, even the use of drogs was put into conisderation.
After the the United States revolution, there was a reconstruction of the constitution. The most important amendments, had to do with the revolutionary movemts of the time. The amenments were: abolition of slavery, birth right citizenship, rule of equiality, and the amenment that gave vote to all men.
The most important amenment was the abolition of slavery, which allowed racism to be eliminate and rights for black people were respected.
Equal protection of the law for instance in the 14th emenment, covered different aspects that inclueded equal rights to marriage.
Also the right of men to vote, included a political participation of all men, which was supported by the the idea of equal protection of the Law.