by refusing to treat Romeos romance seriously
4. Will help, ask
5. will phone, hear
6. will miss, move
7. listen, will understand
8. will not be, are
9. will drive, give
Squall = storm
Affluent = millionaire
Deface = criminal
<u>it referred to America's unfinished work to win the fight against racism</u>
Remember, when President Lincoln made the statement,
<em>"It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to </em><em>the unfinished work</em><em>...that this nation, under God, </em><em>shall have a new birth of freedom</em><em> — and that, government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." </em>
The "Men of Honor" movie focuses on the life of a black Navy officer (Carl Brashear ) who had to struggle with racism in the navy until he gained national recognition for his bravery.
The actual “new birth of freedom" that Lincoln envisioned was one where each citizen is treated equally and fairly by other citizens, a responsibility many want to follow.