The sensory, or afferent, division of the peripheral nervous system carries information from the brain and spinal cord to effector organs.
The nervous system is the command center of the body. Starting in your brain, it controls your movements, thoughts, and automatic reactions to the world around you.It also controls other body systems and processes, such as digestion, breathing, and development (adolescence). also, control.
The classical doctrine of the nervous system in biology is that the nervous system is a highly complex part of an animal that coordinates its behavior and sensory information by transmitting signals to and from various parts of the body. That's what it means.
The nervous system is a complex network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to different parts of the body.
Learn more about the nervous system here
Ok I’m not an expert or anything but most because of fear or trauma when being assaulted or violated many victims mentality is to shut down or shove there problems down for most don’t know who or how to tell anyone. And when some ppl do come toward they most likely want to remain anonymous for the fear of loved ones or the public to know and revealing a offender often is believed to get them in trouble by said offender or their community especially if it’s a more conservative area
the US federal government
10 years
He was first appointed dictator in 49 BC, possibly to preside over elections, but resigned his dictatorship within 11 days. In 48 BC, he was reappointed dictator, only this time for an indefinite period, and in 46 BC, he was appointed dictator for 10 years.