Three similarities: 1.Catawba, Cherokee and Yamassee all these three tribes belong to native american, 2. They were eastern woodland tribes of South Carolina, 3. They all spoke in same language.
Difference: 1. Though these three tribe lived in South Carolina but physiographically their location was different. Catawba lived in piedmont region, Cherokee lived in mountains and Yamassee lived in Coastal region.
Catawba, Cherokee and Yamassee all these three tribes lived in South Carolina. They were all native americans. They used to live in different physiographic unit like Catawba lived in Piedmont zone that is the bottom of mountain. Cherokee lived in mountain area and Yammasse lived in coastal areas.
Catawba known as river people, Cherokees are real people, Yammasse are coastal people. These tribal people used same languages for communication and do hunting, gathering, pottering for earning livelihood.
1. It Is a clear expression of fake democracy. The term "free election" doesn't entirely make sense in a country where any distinction between the ruling party and the government has been almost completely erased. Syria is considered a unitary republic with a semi-presidential style of government. However, the controlling parties practice a highly authoritarian regime with most of the political power in the AL-Assad family's hands. People doesn't have more option if the want to "live".
2. If I live in that country, I think I feel like a hostage. Elections over there aren't free, and they're certainly not fair. The resulting optics are not democratic enough. They buy the government a minimum of democratic credibility abroad without seriously imperiling its hold on power.
The origin of Sikhism has been the centre of a debate. Others consider Sikhism as a combination of Hinduism and Islam.The founder of Sikhism, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He rejected most of the beliefs and practices of other Indian religions. Sikhismmight appeal to many Indians in early 1860’s due to rejection of the Caste System and the belief that faith is more important than worship.
The canal was built in order to easily ship grain from the rich farmland in southern China to the capital city in Beijing