- Waste
- Plastic
- Landfill
- Compost
Waste is anything that is thrown away because it is no longer of use.
When plastic was first invented, it was hailed for all the usefulness that it had and still has. It has a serious drawback of being very hard to decay however as it takes hundreds of years to do so thereby worsening the waste management problem that the planet is experiencing.
Landfills are where the government dumps the garbage it collects. They recycle some of this waste and destroy most.
Compost refers to organic material that is used as plant fertilizer. They contain nutrients that the plants can use to grow.
Good Parenthood Is Needed for the Childrens Mental and Emotional health, or pshycal health aswell ( I think ) and for future sake aswell
Good Parenthood Is Needed for Children Cause The children here today is going To be the next Generation of Human kind Well All Of the kids Is Going To be The next Generation of Human kind Thats Why They Are need To Be Tought well In studies for Y'know Might even Make another Inventions like what we have today Gadgets, T. V's, Car's and Other stuff But Thats were Teachers Come in, And When In need Of Affection and Love thats were The Parents/Family Come in Thats why The Parents/Family must give a Good Parent hood On Children or even Teenagers of there Son/Daughters Cause if Not The children might think think Of Why The parent wont Show them Affection or stuff And They might think of Suicidal stuff Like Example; Abusive Family Or Strict family, That kind Of stuff Thats why Parents must Avoid Giving Children Negative Thoughts
<em>Correct </em><em>me </em><em>If </em><em>Im </em><em>wrong </em><em>at </em><em>sumn</em><em>,</em><em> </em><em>And </em><em>Again </em><em>Im </em><em>sorry </em><em>If </em><em>This </em><em>is </em><em>wrong </em><em>this </em><em>is </em><em>just </em><em>mostly </em><em>answered </em><em>through </em><em>What </em><em>I've </em><em>learned </em><em>in </em><em>The </em><em>past </em>
<em>The cells are striated and multinucleated appearing as long, unbranched cylinders. </em>
The answer to your question is
Rule 2.00 defines the Infield Fly as, “a fair fly ball (not including a line drive or a bunt) which can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort, when first and second, or first, second, and third bases are occupied before two are out.