Gold mines, families from the Eastern states traveled across the country for gold.
They developed a policy of religious freedom so all subjects were content, though Islam remained the dominant religion in the government.
1st and 3rd should be for George and the 2nd should be for Charles
As the 5th century BCE approached, Carthage became the center of commerce and trade in the West Mediterranean region. It had conquered most of the old Phoenician colonial cities including the Hadrumetum, Utica, Kerkouane, Numidian, and Mauretanian kingdoms. It even extended its control over Malta and Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean.
The concept of the city-state was an important innovation and development (and invention) of Art because these cities, such as Uruk or Lagash, are some of the earliest known complex urban centers, and the settlement of people in them made necessary the construction of walls, temples, and burial sites that today are recognized as archeological vestiges of exceptional significance.
Furthermore, since the people that had settled in them had at their disposal food resources and an administrative class that took care of their needs and secured their welfare, artistic and craft production flourished in them.