The answer to this question is entasis.
Entasis is a design principle in architecture where in a convex curve was applied to a surface which also serves a strength to the construction and it also gives an optical illusion to it. Egyptian pyramids use this design principle.
Answer: Quality drawing pencils, a sketchbook, quality drawing surfaces, variety of erasers, a good pencil sharpener, charcoal or contè, drawing pens/ ink, blending stumps/ tortillions.
I believe the correct answer is: A. Leyster’s portrait
expresses joy in the facial features.
The statement which is true about the expressions depicted
in Laughing Children with a Cat by Judith Leyster, Self-Portrait Aged 63 by
Rembrandt, and Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso is:
Leyster’s portrait expresses joy in the facial features.
In the “Self-portrait Aged 63” (1699), Rembrandt shows the
impression of self-assured and confident artist, even though he was close to
the death – he had died that same year. On the other hand painting “Weeping
Woman” by Pablo Picasso shows the impression of anguish, severe mental or
physical pain or suffering.
The Hypostyle Hall is one of the best examples of clerestory lightning of the New Kingdom pylon temple at Karnak.
Hypostyle Hall means under pillars, it was used in ancient Egypt. It is a large room with columns it is represented as a marsh in the start of the time. The important priest and pharaoh are only allowed to enter the hypostyle hall.