They own all the agricultural and mining land. The remaining land owned by black people is lar. The land is, by far, the most important benefit white South Africans gained from colonialism and apartheid.
the U.S. should not have helped Germany recover from war.
At midnight on August 15th, 1947, Pakistan was created. With the Indian Independence Act of 1947, the release of control by the British would also split what was known as British India into two distinct countries whose borders were determined by the religious groups that most densely populated the areas.
Ida B. Wells began her crusade to stop the lynching and by courageously reporting the vicious violence against African Americans.
She was also known for her fight against segregation and for women's suffrage.
- Her contribution to the quest for justice, especially during the time of 1892, in those days she could have lost her life.
- She was honored with a Pulitzer Price in 2020.
- I wish she could have been here to receive it. She was a hero.