You are interested in finding out whether middle-aged men who have premature heartbeats are at greater risk of developing a myoc
ardial infarction (heart attack) than men whose heartbeats are regular. Electrocardiogram (ECG) examinations are performed on all male office employees 35 years of age or older who work for oil companies in Houston. The ECG tracings are classified as irregular or regular. Five years later, myocardial infarction rates are compared between those with and those without baseline ECG irregularities. What kind of study is this? a. Cross-sectional study
b. Case-control study
c. Prospective cohort study
d. Retrospective cohort study
e. Clinical trial
f. Community trial
This study looks after results including such illness growth during the trial time, and this includes additional elements such as suspected risk or source of protection (s). The study usually consists of taking and looking at such a cohort of subjects for a long time. The main advantage of these studies is knowledge accumulation and higher efficiency. Systematic reviews may suffer from choice distortion, in addition to the potential indication misinterpretation.