<em><u>C. When the event is not currently in progress</u></em>
You can't use present progressive tense in Spanish in some cases where used in in English because
Present Progressive Tense means:
continuing action, something going on now. ... The present progressive can suggest that an action is going to happen in the future, especially with verbs that convey the idea of a plan or of movement from one place or condition to another: "The team is arriving in two hours." or formed with the helping "to be" verb, in the present tense, plus the present participle of the verb (with an -ing ending): "I am buying all my family's Christmas gifts early this year.
Answer:Para escribir una buena oración, necesariamente tenemos que tener Sujeto verbo y predicado, estos son los requisitos indispensables para dar claramente una idea de lo que queremos expresar
Puertas I believe that’s the plural form (plural means more right lol) if it does that it’s Puertas