<h3>dear diary, today was one of the most embarrassing days in the history of embarrassing days. It all started out as a normal boring day at school when I remembered I forgot to do the homework assignment that was worth <u>75%</u> of my grade. I went through the day afraid and just waiting for school to be over. When the bell rang I realised it was time for 7th period when the assignment was due... I walked into the class and the teacher says “ok class im going to collect the homework now”. Right then and there I just started CRYING infront of EVERYONE and all I can remember was everyone laughing at me and pointing. I officially never want to go to school AGAIN.</h3>
Their parents tried to keep them apart but they wanted to be together Romeo left for a little got a letter saying Juliet died even though she took medicine to make her sleep and lower her heart beat so that people would think she was dead and wake up in time to leave with romeo but she didn't wake up in time and romeo thought she killed herself so he stabbed himself when she woke up he was dead that was when she did it herself. It shows that they left together their love was so strong and the families hate trying to pull them apart just ended their lives.
Leave home
There is no explanation really it's just common sense.
because they go make new friends and they have new besties
because they just think of their self