I would say it is true and if it isn’t then I’m sorry.
21 chromosomes
Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces 4 haploid daughter cells (i.e., gametes) from a single diploid cell. This parental cell undergo one (1) cycle of DNA replication and two (2) cell divisions, thereby, in the case of the Norway rats that have 42 chromosomes, the final number will be 21 (21 x 2= 42)
Society influencing science
Society thought it was wrong to use animals for products so scientists had to switch it around and use programs.
What is different concerning the DNA in bacterial cells as opposed to eukaryotic cells
o The amount of DNA present, whether the DNA is housed in a nucleus or not, and whether the DNA is linear or circular
• Which of these statements is true regarding cell division in the body of a growing teenaged human?
o Only a subset of cells is dividing at this point o We grow by cell division, but not all of our cells are dividing
• Dividing cells must copy their DNA
( replication ), segregate DNA and other cellular components during
( mitosis ) and split apart during
( cytokinesis)
• Our chromosomes exist as many sets of similar pairs with the EXCEPTION of our sex chromosomes o the sex chromosomes of the human female are also pairs. It is the X and Y of the male that break this rule •