B = Be specific. Do not write something like “space flights.” Such a title doesn't give the information for what exactly your text is about. ...
Catch you reader. Even if your topic is specific, people would not like to read it if it doesn't spark any interest. ...
Use keywords in your title.
Banquo is in many ways Macbeth's opposite. He is kind and caring, loyal and trustworthy. Like Macbeth he fights bravely for King Duncan but does not involve himself with the murder plot. When he and Fleance are attacked his first thought is to keep his son safe.
6. adverb (after work = when)
7. adverb (on his shoulders = where)
8. adjective (for the missing ticket = which)
9. adjective (to the concert = which)
Come of age means growing up. When you have more responsibilities, when you're moving from childhood to adulthood and understand more things. When you are changing but not only physically, also mentally. When you are becoming more MATURE.