Although, Neither, nor, and, but, so, for example, consequently, additionally, again, also, as well (as), furthermore, equally, besides, therefore, then, moreover, of course, first, second, third, finally, last, afterward, nonetheless, nevertheless, and whereas
Hope this helps! (I can give more ideas in the comments)
A short story conserves characters and scenes, typically by focusing on just one conflict, and drives towards a sudden, unexpected revelation. Go easy on the exposition and the backstory, your reader doesn't need to know everything that you know about your characters.
This movement brought African Americans together and promoted their heritage and boosted their pride. Renaissance means rebirth.<span>They could now express themselves without punishment and could do so freely.</span>
Hayes Davis wrote this excellent poem regarding driving where the two main characters of the poem are the boy and his father. The father teaches the boy to drive. Explanation: The speaker talks about the confidence that the father has in his son and how on empty roads he lets him drive