-Analytical chemistry - composition.
Environmental - impact of chemicals
-Analytical chemistry involves the qualitative and quantitative determination of the chemical components of substances. In qualitative analysis all the atoms and molecules present are identified, with particular attention to trace elements. In quantitative analysis the exact weight of each constituent is obtained as well.
Environmental chemistry is the study of the chemical and biochemical phenomena that occur in the environment.It relies heavily on analytical chemistry and includes atmospheric, aquatic, and soil chemistry.
Well, the food is in the environment. I would like to compare it with how bacteriae feed (however my biology is quite rusty), that is, they engulf their food and they "digest" -- not the proper term, since there are no organs to do real digestion -- it.
Answered below.
A karyotype is defined as the size, shape, and number of chromosomes present in an organism.
An analysis is usually done on a karyotype to see if individuals have abnormal numbers or sizes of chromosomes. Such abnormalities may arise from;
Deletion: which implies that a chromosomal part is missing.
Duplication: where parts of a chromosome are repeated.
Translocation: which occurs when a chromosomal part breaks off and gets attached to another chromosome.
Nondisjunction: in which chromosomes do not separate from the parent cells.
Common chromosomal disorders arising from these abnormalities include;
Down's syndrome
Edwards syndrome
Turner's syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome
Prada-willi syndrome
Cri-du-chat syndrome
Patau's syndrome