From what i have read up on in the past, They can but they don't really think with a "voice" in their head if that makes sense.
The statements that
apply are;
Say to the patient, "Step aside and I will get you
connected to the internet."
Ask the patient, "How were you feeling when you were
having this difficulty?"
Encourage the patient to recognize signs of mounting tension
and seek assistance.
D) Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine.
Food is ingested in the mouth, passes through the pharynx that connects the mouth to the esophagus. It moves down the esophagus by parastalsis. It is further digested in the stomach, absorbed in the small intestine and indigestible material together with fibre is passed to the large intestine where its either digested by freindly bacteria or eliminated as waste by defecation.
B. Ocetoclast is the answer.
Oxygen or an oxidizing agent to receive electrons must be present for oxidation to occur in chemical reactions.
Oxidation entails the loss of electrons from these molecules, causing them to become unstable and highly reactive and leading to their eventual reaction with and damage of cell components such as membranes.
-In redox reaction; The ion or molecule that accepts electrons is called the oxidizing agent; by accepting electrons it causes the oxidation of another species. Conversely, the species that donates electrons is called the reducing agent; when the reaction occurs, it reduces the other species.