Very false. Thousands of people all around the world that get in some kind accident or have medical issues ans or have a surgery for any reason. And need medications to recover, and end up addicted even after the treatment is over. And depend on the pills even after all the side effects of pain or whatever it may be is gone. Thousands on thousands of people are effected by this every year its a big issue.
I believe it would be focusing policy changes that will effect the community’s health based on demand for certain types of care.
Biofeedback is a technique that uses a machine to monitor physiologic responses through electrode sensors on the client's skin. The unit transforms the data into a visual display, and through seeing the pain responses, the client is taught to regulate his physiologic response and control pain through relaxation, imagery, or breathing exercises. Trans-cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a noninvasive alternative technique that involves electrical stimulation of large-diameter fibers to inhibit transmission of painful stimuli carried over small-diameter fibers. Hypnosis is an alteration in a person's state of consciousness so that pain is not perceived as it normally would be. Therapeutic Touch involves using one's hands to direct an energy exchange consciously from the practitioner to the client in order to facilitate healing or pain relief. Hope this helps.
That would be 2 it goes into all those numbers