3. voter turnout for both presidential and nonpresidential elections was very high.
The voter turnout for both presidential and non presidential elections was very high because the people were more sensitized by that period and were
Very involved with politics.
The Federal Government was inactive during this period and they wanted to make things right.
They blockaded them
To prevent help from France, the British had blocked ports to stop Maritime trade too.
The most important factor in explaining the Spanish victory over the Aztecs and Incas in the 16th century is devastating loss of life caused by European-borne diseases mainly in devastating loss of Indian life caused by smallpox
The first alternative is correct (A).
England has created a Colonial Pact with its colonies, with the reason of explores them to the maximum. According to the Colonial Pact, the colonies could only buy manufactures from England, so that it had complete freedom to impose the tariffs it pleased for the entry and exit of goods. In this context, England sought raw materials in the colonies at low cost and produced the manufactures that were sold in the colonies at high tariff prices.