She means that being a black southerner sucked, but it sucked even worse in the hot summer afternoons, which were hot and humid and uncomfortable and by which time everybody had been working hard all day, than in the mornings, when it was more comfortable and people had just gotten out of bed and weren't completely awake and aware of their lousy situation in life.
Water is usually a symbol for life because it is so vital to survival.
Ironically, being stranded at sea, you can't drink the boundless surrounding water.
I would say the answer is D. The character is not stranded by choice. They are stuck, unsure how to navigate a way out of the current situation.
Part a is Honesty is the key to a good life and part b is The truth is, every day we rise is like thunder - / a clap of surprise.
B. It brought the discovery of the Chinese papermaking process.
With the spread of trade, Islamic countries could get more familiar with the outside world and other nations, influence them, and in turn be influenced by them. The Chinese had one of the biggest influences on them with their invention of paper and writing on it. Now, Islamic religious laws could be written down and paper and spread throughout countries to educate people on their religion.
I don't see how checks or medicine would influence religion, and arabesques already existed in the Islamic world.
Answer: the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's arrogance or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
This is fact