Has is used alongside the PRONOUNS <em>H</em><em>E</em> / <em>S</em><em>H</em><em>E</em> / <em>I</em><em>T</em> and <em>W</em><em>H</em><em>O</em> and SINGULAR NOUNS.
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Answer: Claim is your claim like its this, reason is your reason why you think its that, and evidence is your evidence to back up your data and answer
The regal entertainment group? THE regal entertainment group?
Well, you probably want to work there because it's a pretty stable company and has very low chances of crashing, which means you probably will have a job for the rest of your life. Also, many people get entertained by this famous group, so you probably would earn more than minimal wage.
The myth explains why mulberries are red.
At the beginning, the mulberries are "snow white", but when Thisbe kills herself at the end she falls on the mulberry bush and the myth explains that this is why the berries "reddens at its ripeness", because of the tragedy of Pyramus and Thisbe.