Question Options:
Oolitic limestone
Explanation: Conglomerate is a rock consisting of grave or pebbles embedded in a matrix. Conglomerates typically contain finer grained sediment, e.g., either sand, silt, clay or combination of them. It takes a strong water current to transport and produce a rounded shape on particles in conglomerate.
i) Population density
ii) Under population
iii) Over population
Population density is the number of people living in a square mile. In the future, economically developed nations may not have enough money to take care of older citizens because of underpopulation. In low-income nations, overpopulation is one reason for low standard of living.
A tectonic plate is composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere. It is a large, irregular slab of solid rock. However, plate size can vary.
The large space behind the lens ( the vitreous chamber ) contains a thick, gel - like fluid called vitreous humor or vitreous gel. These two fluids press against the inside of the eyeball and help the eyeball keep its shape.
It is continent cause there is no term for many continents because continent is the biggest landmass.