Two or more organs form together make organ systems.
The basic unit of living organisms is the cell. Multiple cells makes up tissues and tissues make up organs. Two or more organs make up the organ system.
Human body has several organ systems. The organs that make up an organ system can be internal as well as external. Respiratory system is made up of organs like lungs, nose, pharynx, trachea, diaphragm etc. digestive system is made with organs like liver, small intestine, stomach, mouth , large intestine, pancreas etc.
A large base with flexible structure would be best. The base would hold up, and the flexible structure would prevent falling.
In a pinhole camera, light passes through the pinhole to project an upside-down image onto the back of the box, and in the human eye, light passes through the lens to project an upside-down image on the back of the retina
Sounds like a trick question.
Maybe not. contamination is easy, but gloves are a barrier between other organic material on yourself (such as what you ate for lunch) and what you are testing.
Other than the fact your DNA will be different than another person’s DNA, if we assume you are theoretically free of debris of any kind, then your DNA would test the same always.
Note: any contamination after purifying extract for a small sequence can give false positives. There are repeat sequences possible that would interfere if you are testing a small enough sequence.
I hope that helps!
1st point describes both the sperm and ovum.